Michelle Gale
Hello There. IÍm Michelle. IÍm incredibly grateful to be the mother of two incredible young boys, who also happen to be two of my greatest teachers. IÍve learned that no relationship is more sacred or potentially more explosive than the ones I have with my children and husband. This fact brings with it plenty of curiosity and the deep desire to participate relentlessly in the process of waking up to my essence more and more each day. Some days IÍm so clearly aligned with my purpose and experience my family as the conscious mother I wish to be. Other days I completely blow it. On the tough days, I trust in the need to simply start again and hope I gleamed just a little more insight into the inner working of my mind and fragile ego. IÍm learning to forgive myself. I believe in the need to practice awareness, to sit in stillness, and to transform just a little more each day in service of our collective consciousness. If IÍm going to expect my children to show up in the world in certain ways, IÍm convinced that the onus is on me to embody those values and actions first. I also know this is really hard work, and honor my time coaching and inspiring other parents trying to do the same. IÍm a lover of learning who has made her way through the world working in technology start-ups, as an elementary educator, and an executive coach. For the next few years you can expect to find me studying and writing papers related to integral psychology while I attend graduate school. The teachers who have inspired me most and who I continue to absorb knowledge and my practice from, include Dr.Shefali Tsabary, Byron Katie, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Dr. Gordon Neufeld, and Eckhart Tolle. IÍm humbled to serve as an advisor to the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, the Mindful Schools and Tilt365. Each organization committed in their own way to expanding consciousness in the world. I also teach mindfulness to youth, adore my dogs, and live and work in beautiful Marin County. Someone pinch me.

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Foundations of Coaching

Coaching Certification

Foundations of Coaching

03/12/2024 - 03/14/2024 | Virtual (Pacific) | By Carole Henmi

Our introductory program, Foundations of Coaching, gives you hands-on experience with the Integral Coaching methodology, with plenty of space for conversation.