Our commitments

Guided by what

we value most.

As the global leader in cohort-based Integral Coach training, we carry our beliefs about what’s possible into everything we do.

Bringing ourselves to life

Our service to others begins with ourselves.

For more than four decades, we’ve witnessed profound transformations as people come home to themselves. And when individuals become more present, supportive and effective in their work and broader lives, they influence those around them for the better too.

Our purpose

Our work co-creates a future where all people experience meaning, belonging and contribution.

We help coaches and leaders understand their lives and the lives of others through the skillful use of presence, support and effectiveness. By empowering a profound sense of aliveness and possibility, we create a world that is more free, more abundant and more connected than ever before.

Interested in experiencing our approach firsthand? Join our next meet the Leader call to learn more.

Our values

Shaping a world alive in possibility.

Our values guide everything we do—from the programs we design to the communities we foster. They are the structure underpinning our commitment to one another and to you.

Holding open spaces

From the diversity of theories that inform our methodology to the personalized design of our programs, we believe that integration is best achieved through a flexible, multifaceted approach.

Building community

Individual development is always collective. Our multidisciplinary, cohort-based approach fosters deep transformation through our relationships with ourselves—and each other.

Living the practice

To understand others, we must first understand ourselves. Our faculty have completed the curriculum they teach and build trust and insight through ongoing personal practice.

Embracing growth

As individuals and an organization, we are continuously learning and growing. We enthusiastically welcome people with diverse lived experiences to our community.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We welcome the fullness of who you are.

Our way of being in the world is deeply informed by our sense of identity and the way in which we have been shaped by the cultures, subcultures, environments and bodies we inhabit throughout our life. We honor and respect your unique experience, and want you to know you are welcome with us.

New Ventures West does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, age, status as an individual with a disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, or other protected classes under the law.

We design our programs to support the way that you learn best. Our offerings have accessibility accommodations and are outlined on the course pages. If you have questions or have additional accessibility needs, please reach out so we can support you.