Alex Holt
My coaching is rooted in more than 20 years leading teams and organizations (Madison Strategies Group, International House of RI) and complex projects with multiple stakeholders, including large philanthropic foundations (Robin Hood Foundation, Social Finance, RI Foundation), corporations (Mastercard, WeWork, Mt Sinai Health Systems) and government agencies (RI State Council on the Arts, NYC Center for Youth Employment). I’ve been the recipient of leadership awards and I’m known as somebody who can inspire teams and achieve objectives in outcome-driven environments. I also have more than 20 years of experience in frameworks including leadership development, mindfulness and meditation, and a variety of communication modalities. I’m committed to living a purposeful life, where work is placed in the right alignment with other priorities - family, health, spirituality, civics, and a deep appreciation for life. Essential to my journey has been an ongoing inquiry into creating meaningful work that integrates into a broader life. I’m a Certified Integral Coach through New Ventures West and an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF). I have a Bachelor’s Degree from Brown University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Manhattanville College.

Featured Course

Foundations of Coaching

Coaching Certification

Foundations of Coaching

03/12/2024 - 03/14/2024 | Virtual (Pacific) | By Carole Henmi

Our introductory program, Foundations of Coaching, gives you hands-on experience with the Integral Coaching methodology, with plenty of space for conversation.