Justin Wise, NVW faculty member and founder of thirdspace coaching, was instrumental in establishing the instruction of our coaching methodology in London in 2010. Upon the graduation of our most recent cohort of students, we asked Justin about his experience leading the course.
Q: Having just completed this most recent class’s certification, what are your reflections on how students of New Ventures West’s PCC develop over the course of the year together? What different ways of being did you observe in this cohort of students versus how they showed up on day one?
Justin: PCC students typically make huge strides in courage, receptiveness to others, and kindness during the year of the PCC. The courage enables them to say whatever needs to be said, the receptiveness allows them to meet the situation or their client sensitively and appropriately, and the kindness is what’s required for them to deeply support the development of others. It all adds up to them being able to bring much greater possibilities to both clients and the world.
Q: Why is it important for coaches to develop themselves over the course of the year? How are they more effective as coaches having done their own personal development work?
Justin: Coaches using the integral methodology are always working with clients on the client’s development, so it’s vital that coaches know the territory well. It’s only through our own development that we can do this. It’s also the case that our own development opens up many avenues for understanding and practice to bring to our clients. The more spacious the world of the coach, the more we can bring to the support of others.
Q: Obviously self-development doesn’t end after the class concludes. How do you find this aspect of the course unfolding in students upon completion of your year together? In what ways do we continue to surprise ourselves as coaches? And how can we support ourselves and each other?
Justin: The PCC is often a huge opening for students to bring themselves fully to the world in many different ways. It’s not at all unusual for graduates of the programme to find that they have a deeper engagement with others in all parts of their lives, as well as with life itself. This leads to all kinds of surprises — important conversations that can now take place, the capacity to see and say what is true, and finding more depth and understanding in relationships. And with a growing community of certified coaches in Europe and worldwide, there are many opportunities to join with others in learning, deepening and developing over time.