Dear friends,
We live in a society plagued by injustice. The past several days have shone a bright spotlight on just how insidious, systemic, historical, evil and dehumanizing many of these injustices are for the black community. As an organization whose purpose is the flourishing of life, we stand for the flourishing of black lives. We are resolute in our commitment to take action for this to be true. This work began before the most recent illustrations of injustice, and we are ever more sober about their importance.
Specifically, we are:
- Listening to those in our community who have expertise in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion on what to do
- Examining and making adjustments to the pedagogy of our curriculum to have it be more inclusive and anti-racist
- Building cultural competency in our method, faculty, staff and institutional practices, including hiring
Here are a few ways you can stand in allyship:
- Enroll in NVW graduate Tovi Scruggs’s Racial Healing and Equity Program
- Visit and take action based on this list of 75 ways to be engaged
- Engage with Resmaa Menakem’s work and understand racialized trauma from the perspective of body-centered psychology
- Attend our weekly Circle of Connection to resource yourself, listen to others, and sense what you are being called to do
There are deep wounds and trauma as a result of the racism in our society which beckon to be met with potent love. The core of our work is cultivating ourselves in order to be of service to the world—allowing this love to manifest. May we all do what is ours to do so this love translates into equity for all.
In solidarity & love,
Sahar, Suzanne, Cynthia & Adam
The NVW Leadership Team