Two Transformational Classes

Thwarting the Inner Critic & Foundations of Coaching

Schedule for Foundations of Coaching classes:
Day 1: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm PT
Day 2: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm PT
Day 3: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm PT

Schedule for Thwarting the Inner Critic classes:
Session 1, Day 1: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm PT
Session 1, Day 2: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm PT
Session 2, Day 1: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm PT

Save $855 by registering for both classes!

Two Transformational Classes
Two Transformational Classes

Foundations of Coaching , 10/15/2024 – 10/17/2024

Thwarting the Inner Critic, Session 1 , 02/19/2025 – 09/20/2024

Thwarting the Inner Critic, Session 2 , 03/20/2025

Skills to support your whole life

Embark on your deeper path of enhanced capacity, community, and learning.

Integral Coaching works at the level of who you are, not simply what you wish to change. That makes it a flexible skill set that can support you and the people around you, no matter what your context or goals for learning may be.

Our introductory program, Foundations of Coaching, gives you hands-on experience with the Integral Coaching methodology, with plenty of space for conversation.

Our sought after program, Thwarting the Inner Critic, provides practical and effective methods to experience freedom from the harsh inner voices.

Together these classes will leave you with more able to skillfully support team members, director reports or people in your life. You will also experience greater confidence and ease throughout your life.

Who this course is for

Your questions and desires are welcome here.

No matter your previous experience, background, or industry, Foundations of Coaching and Thwarting the Inner Critic are for you.

We welcome anyone looking to improve their leadership skills, explore coaching as a career path, or simply those seeking a greater sense of freedom, abundance, and connection.

About the courses

Learn the transformative skills to be a more effective, and fulfilled leader, coach, or team member.

During these trainings, you will:

  • Learn the fundamental frameworks of Integral Coaching
  • Be in dialogue with your facilitators and have space for conversation with your peers in small
  • Experience our approach firsthand and explore whether certification would be supportive for you.
  • Increase your confidence to practice Integral Coaching in your life, work and relationship
  • Improved presence, support and effectiveness for yourself and for the people you work with
  • Learn models to better understand your inner critic voices and where they originated
  • Be in dialogue with your facilitators and have space for conversation with your peers in small groups
  • Experience firsthand how to liberate yourself from the unhelpful impact of your inner critic
  • Reclaim creative energy

Choose the date that’s right for you.

Learn about our next class

Professional Coaching Course

Coaching Certification

Professional Coaching Course

09/19/2024 | Virtual & SF | By Fabian Di Felice

Transform your life, your relationships, and your career with an Integral Coach® certification.

Samantha Boo

“The Professional Coaching Course was a catalyst for awakening; it took me completely apart and then set me on a path to return home to wholeness.”

Samantha Boo


Jo Ilfeld

“NVW was transformative for both my coaching and my sense of agency in my own life: I moved from goal-setting and achieving to actively shaping the experience I want to be living.”

Jo Ilfeld

Berkeley, CA

Xiaomei Zhou

“I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to go through the PCC journey. It has changed how I view the world and what happens around us every day. “

Xiaomei Zhou

Shanghai, China

Karen Kane

“I am a much better coach as a result of the Professional Coaching Course. My skill in assessing clients and designing appropriate coaching programs has increased significantly.”

Karen Kane

Silver Spring, MD

Current programsrn

Step into the stream of Integral development.

Our work is continually evolving, and so are the programs, training, and workshops we offer. Let us support you on your journey.

Take your learning deeper.