Navigating Complex Systems

For this episode, Adam Klein is joined by Julie Engel. In her work with hundreds of individuals and organizations, Julie has deeply studied how we orient to systems to understand the realities of our lives, helping us avoid being swept up in them and reactive.

Julie elucidates four types of systems, provides several resources for studying them, and offers practices for staying grounded in chaos and complexity.

Here are some of the topics covered in the Stepping In podcast episode Navigating Complex Systems:

  • How do we live in complex systems, and what are the challenges and opportunities they present?
  • Different perspectives on interacting with complex systems, from being a victim to acknowledging and creatively responding to the system.
  • Understanding complex systems using insights from David Snowden’s work and how to apply it to our lives
  • Misconceptions about simple systems and addressing the mistaken belief that life can be fully understood as a simple system.
  • How to become comfortable with specific types of systems and the challenges this can create?
  • How the human nervous system reacts to perceived threats, influencing behavior and emotions.
  • Strategies to increase one’s ability to handle stress and uncertainty without becoming overwhelmed.


Be learning the importance of recognizing and managing nervous system reactions, providing grounding exercises, and promoting self-compassion to expand one’s window of tolerance and respond with dignity.

Resources mentioned in this episode
Daniel Siegel: Referenced for his work on understanding how nervous systems function, particularly in response to threats.

David Rock: SCARF model (status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness),  which relates to thresholds in the nervous system.

Richard Heckler: Off-the-mat practices related to foundational or foundational training.

Pat Ogden: Body sensing and grounding practices.

Bruce Lee: Training and preparing oneself to face challenges.

Dai Lama: Quoted re building solid foundations to withstand challenges.

About Julie Engel, Ph.D.
Julie Engel, Ph.D., has over twenty-five years of experience as an executive coach, organization development consultant, facilitator, and trainer.

Julie’s practice focuses on working with leaders and teams in the nonprofit and corporate sectors to serve a more sustainable, just, and peaceful world.

Julie was a Senior Research Associate, consultant, and faculty member at the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship. She has supported executives and managers in effectively catalyzing change toward more responsible and sustainable business practices through one-on-one coaching and consultation, facilitating a peer-to-peer learning network of corporate responsibility executives.

Julie has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Tufts University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from Boston College, where she focused her studies on political and cultural sociology. Her dissertation was published as a book, Talking Trash: The Cultural Politics of Daytime TV Talk Shows.

About Adam Klein
Adam is dedicated to creating a more just, sustainable, creative, and loving world. Before joining New Ventures West, he helped create a first-in-class business solution to combat global slavery and relaunch a San Francisco Bay Area center for integral spiritual formation.

Adam has a Master’s degree in Engineering from Santa Clara University. Some time ago he entered the world of Ironman triathlons and ultra-running as a means to further understand the importance of the body and the deep, integral nature of being human.

Adam focuses on integrating NVW’s purpose and bringing it to fruition. He oversees strategy, tech, and the flow of various internal work streams, as well as supporting graduates and ensuring ICF compliance.

He regularly leads the Professional Coaching Course, hosts our orientation events in San Francisco, is the creator and host of the NVW podcast Stepping In, and has his own business coaching leaders and individuals.

About the Stepping In
Stepping In is a podcast of bold inquiry into life’s biggest challenges with one of the world’s oldest and most distinguished coaching schools, New Ventures West.

In a spirit of curiosity, compassion, and honesty, we delve into how Integral Coaching can address some of the most pressing issues we face as individuals, communities, and stewards of our planet.

In the Stepping In Podcast, we explore what it takes to develop the sensitivity and capacity required to live and thrive in an increasingly complex world.

About New Ventures West
From its humble beginnings to one of the top accredited coaching schools in the world, New Ventures West pioneered one of the deepest, most transformative forms of human development available for coaches, leaders, and anyone looking to bring people alive in possibility.

Further Exploration
New Ventures West:
Getting Started with Integral Coaching:…
Free and paid Integral Coaching events:

00:52 Introduction
00:54 Living within complex systems
01:51  Complex system orientations
02:03 David Snowden’s work on systems
03:10 Explanation of obvious systems
03:42 Gas prices and public perception
04:21 Complicated systems
06:58 Complex systems
07:29 On startups and changing environments
09:03 Introduction to Lean methodology
09:53 Introducing distinctions on people
10:21  Chaotic systems
19:49 Manager system preferences
25:12 What is the window of tolerance?
26:10 Grounding exercises

Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed used with permission
License 1504673862 Date 4/30/24
©EMI Blackwood Music Inc OBO Oakfield Music LTD