RJ Jennings

RJ is an experienced leader, executive coach and development consultant who motivates his clients to move deeper into their leadership roles, and to affect sustainable change. He inspires his clients to access their answers from within and helps them identify practices which lead to their unique leadership presence.  People who know RJ often state that his gift is to motivate, inspire and ignite change in others.


RJ assesses his clients across multiple domains which include: leading self, leading others, leading their organization and managing implementation. Each client is unique in their areas of strengths and room for growth and they look to RJ for guidance.


RJ believes that cultivating leadership is not just an intellectual exercise, it is also an embodiment practice. Developing true leadership qualities empowers the leader to approach each situation appropriately (i.e. with calm, poise and resolve). As a result others are motivated by their presence and willing to get on board with a common goal. These are qualities that RJ brings out in his clients.

Featured Course

Foundations of Coaching

Coaching Certification

Foundations of Coaching

03/12/2024 - 03/14/2024 | Virtual (Pacific) | By Carole Henmi

Our introductory program, Foundations of Coaching, gives you hands-on experience with the Integral Coaching methodology, with plenty of space for conversation.