Advanced Somatics

Thriving and Responding from Embodied Presence

Advanced Somatics

A vibrant body for radiant living

Thriving and Responding from Embodied Presence

The somatic thread of Integral Coaching awakens us what is possible when we more deeply inhabit our bodies and release them from historical shaping.

In the Professional Coaching Course we open the door and begin to explore the transformational nature of this stream. This course invites us to continue the profound somatic shift.

Whether you are actively coaching or looking to deepen what is possible through greater embodiment this course is for you.

Who this course is for

Your body is welcome here.

You have experienced the integral nature of the body. Whether it was in glimpses, through reading or more profound periods of shifting and you wish to continue the journey.

The course will meet you whether you are practicing coach or looking to bring greater embodiment to your everyday life.

About the course

Living from the well of embodiment

In the course we will learn:

  • Ways of attending to and including your somatic wisdom
  • Practices to foster deeper grounding in your body
  • Methods for attuning to others through your embodied presence
  • Shifting your somatic shape to more skillfully respond to varying situations
  • How to expand our embodied responsiveness and supporting our clients to do the same

Choose your pathway

You can register for the course as a standalone for $1,875.

Join the Engaged Pathway for $225/mo and be part of a year-long cohort of learning with access to this class and much more.

Learn about our next class

Thwarting the Inner Critic

Advanced Certification

Thwarting the Inner Critic

02/19/2025 – 03/20/2025 | Virtual (Pacific Time) | By Sarita Chawla

Our inner critic can easily thwart our natural spontaneity and ingenuity. The clarion call is for creativity and resilience to turn the tide. We can hear hope at the edges. The longing for meaning and freedom is in our hearts.

Sarah Cunningham

“The PCC was one of the most life-shifting and transformative experiences I’ve been through as an adult. I highly recommend it as a way to understand yourself and others in a deeper and richer way.”

Sarah Cunningham

Chicago, IL

Karen Kane

“I am a much better coach as a result of the Professional Coaching Course. My skill in assessing clients and designing appropriate coaching programs has increased significantly.”

Karen Kane

Silver Spring, MD

Jill Clark

“The PCC prepared me in so many unexpected ways for corporate training. By seeing my client as a whole person and looking beyond the struggle she’s experiencing with a specific job-related skill, I can introduce new possibilities in a language she understands.”

Jill Clark

Seattle, WA

Alan Goldstein

“The training has dramatically improved not only my relationships with staff and patients, but more importantly, provided me with a new level of life awareness and opportunity. And by the way, business is better.”

Alan Goldstein

New York, NY

Current programs

Step into the stream of Integral development.

Our work is continually evolving, and so are the programs, training, and workshops we offer. Let us support you on your journey.

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