Coaching Supervision

Continue growing and learning in partnership with a faculty member.

Coaching Supervision

Depth for your client engagements

Expand and deepen your work with clients.

Coaches can sometimes feel alone in what they do—afraid to make mistakes, feeling ineffective with their clients, or at a loss for what to do next. Most of the time this is as much about our development as it is our skill.

Many disciplines have a tradition of supervision—a relationship in which one practitioner works with another, more seasoned practitioner to discuss and get coaching and advice on their client work.

Coaching Supervision is a way to continue growing and learning as a coach in a supported way, by receiving rigorous guidance in your coaching work and personal development. You will hone your craft and deepen your way of being by:

  • making new distinctions
  • becoming a more rigorous observer of yourself, including your gifts and your blind spots
  • deepening your practical and philosophical understanding of the Integral Coaching methodology
  • adding to your pool of resources


About the course

Grow and learn in partnership with a faculty member.

You and your supervising coach will work together to create a plan that best fits your needs, including detailed review of your client work and a personalized development plan for you.

You can choose from a single session, six session or 12 session engagements.

Choose the date that’s right for you.

Learn about our next class

Meet the Leader Call

Coaching Certification

Meet the Leader Call

03/31/2025 | Virtual | By Adam Klein

Get to know New Ventures West faculty and have your questions answered about Integral Coach® certification.

Ellen-Birgitte Zorn

“For the first time in my life I am happy because of what’s inside me, not because of somebody outside me. During this training, I found myself, I am learning to love myself, and I am letting go of the past.”

Ellen-Birgitte Zorn

Copenhagen, Denmark

Anders Bjørk

“For years I had been searching for a school that continually facilitates human growth. With NWV I found it. Even years after graduation from the PCC, the routines of self-observation, correcting and generating live with me. “

Anders Bjørk

Aarhus, Denmark

Amy Levine

“The Professional Coaching Course was the best education I’ve ever received. Not only did I learn the skills necessary to improve my coaching practice, it was a life-changing experience for which I will always be grateful.”

Amy Levine

Oakland, CA

Michael Scott

“Whenever anyone asks me to characterize my training and experience at New Ventures West, I always use the same four adjectives: rigorous, meticulous, generous, and loving.”

Michael Scott

Sausalito, CA

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