Integral Group Development

Enact Transformation with Coaching and Facilitation

Integral Group Development

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Meet the Leader Call

Coaching Certification

Meet the Leader Call

01/27/2025 | Virtual | By Sahar Azarabadi

Get to know New Ventures West faculty and have your questions answered about Integral Coach® certification.

Antje Berlin

“From clever to compassionate, from headstrong to a soft heart—the faculty of the Professional Coaching Course showed me the way. I will be forever grateful.”

Antje Berlin

Cape Town, South Africa

Neerja Wable

“The PCC helped me reconnect with myself and others in more meaningful and loving ways. It also gave me the clarity and courage to let go of what I had done for over three decades and create a new, joyful life.”

Neerja Wable

New Delhi, India

Jill Clark

“The PCC prepared me in so many unexpected ways for corporate training. By seeing my client as a whole person and looking beyond the struggle she’s experiencing with a specific job-related skill, I can introduce new possibilities in a language she understands.”

Jill Clark

Seattle, WA

Asim Khan

“Coming from an engineering background, New Ventures West opened up a whole other world of opportunities for me with Integral Coaching.”

Asim Khan

Folsom, CA

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